保险学术论坛 (六 )
报告题目:Optimization Problems in Optimal Reinsurance Designs
报 告 人:Dr. Jun Cai (蔡军博士),加拿大滑铁卢大学统计与精算系教授
地点:舜耕校区 五号楼三层澳门十大网投靠谱网站会议室
蔡军博士现为加拿大滑铁卢(Waterloo)大学统计与精算学系教授, 博士生导师, 同时也是中央财经大学中国精算研究院海外名师教授,多次受邀在中国科学院, 香港大学, 北京大学, 南开大学,中山大学, 华东师范大学,中央财经大学, 上海财经大学等高校进行讲学授课。
主要研究方向包括:应用概率, 精算数学, 投资和再保险的风险分析,数量风险管理,破产理论,随机相依性和随机序,保险和金融领域的随机建模。
已主持多项加拿大自然科学与工程研究基金项目,曾获加拿大精算师协会最杰出论文奖,加拿大创新基金会新机遇基金奖, 加拿大国家自然科学与工程研究理事会博士后奖学金。
已发表五十多篇学术论文, 其中大多数论文发表在精算学以及应用概率的顶级国际期刊包括: 《Insurance: Mathematics and Economics》(SCI, SSCI 期刊), 《ASTIN Bulletin》( SCI, SSCI 期刊), 《Journal of Risk and Insurance》( SSCI 期刊), 《Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 》( SSCI 期刊), 《Advances in Applied Probability》( SCI 期刊), 《Journal of Applied Probability》(SCI 期刊),《Journal of Multivariate Analysis》( SCI 期刊), 《Stochastic Processes and their Applications》(SCI 期刊)等.
蔡军教授现为加拿大统计协会会员以及美国风险与保险协会会员。《Insurance: Mathematics and Economics》( SCI, SSCI 期刊)副主编, 《Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series) (SCI 期刊)副主编, 以及《International Journal of Statistics and Systems编委。
In a reinsurance contract, an insurer and reinsurer will share a risk and loss. The insurer will retain the part of the risk and the reinsurer will cover the rest of the risk. An interesting question in designing a reinsurance contract is t find an optimal contract from an insurer’s perspective or from a reinsurer’s perspective or from the interests of both an insurer and a reinsurer. Designing an optimal reinsurance policy often becomes an optimization problem. In this talk, we will review some basic formulations and common optimization criterion for optimal reinsurance designs and present recent advances in optimal reinsurance designs.